Long Standing Annual Activities

  • Heritage Organization Development Grant (HODG) for the Archives. This is an annual grant that the province disperses to Archives through local historical societies
  • Partner & promote speakers & presentations with PEC Archives

Special Activities/Projects  2009-2021

2009 Reprinted “The Settler’s Dream”

2009 PEHS officially gifted the collection formerly on deposit, to the PEC  Archives.

2010 PEC Archives moved out of their old facility to the current location in Wellington. PEHS requested that the PEC Archives take over the management of the collection recognizing that the new location and more open hours of operation would provide the public more access to the collection

2011-2012   Researched & Printed Location Key for “The Settler’s Dream”

2014 Held a fund-raising buffet dinner offering only dishes popular in 1914.


  • Reprinted Location Key for “The Settler’s Dream”
  • Held a one-day event to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

2016 Held “Two Days About Yesterday” a two-day conference featuring displays by 15 local historical societies and organizations with presentations by local authors and historians and tours of local historical sites such as Camp Picton, the Gallows, Glenwood Cemetery, Glenora Fisheries.


  • Held “Two Days About Yesterday” again with speakers and tours
  • Provided administrative support for Fibrefest, a 2-day event  celebrating fibre; the role it played in the lives of early settlers and its increasing popularity today in fashion and art. Demonstrations, classes on working with fibre and over 75 vendors displayed and sold their creations and fibre.


  • Provided financial support to produce a book written and by Suzanne Pasternak, titled “The Story of the Halifax Explosion and The Tree”. The book was a success, so we provided additional support for it to be made into an audio book. Presentations of the audio book sold out in Prince Edward County, Kingston and Boston Massachusetts. Copies of the book and the audio version were distributed to the Boston Public Libraries and schools. The audio book was a pilot project for PEHS using a different medium to preserve and circulate historical information.
  • Supported Flashback February partnering with PEC Museums
  • Completed a second and final year supporting Fibrefest, a 2-day event  celebrating fibre and the role it played in the lives of early settlers. The event was so successful that it no longer needed our support and went on to be a stand-alone event in 2019 with an excellent attendance.


  • Donated funds to help purchase a digital microfilm scanner for the Archives
  • Sponsored  (Heritage Week) Flashback February- presentation Tuesday, Feb. 19,2019  1-3pm Macaulay Church Two Days About Yesterday Trade Show Talk by Jennifer DeBruin Prince Edward Historical Society
  • Focused on finishing the writing of “A Journey of Faith” print target date December 2019
  • Continued to work with municipality to have new sign made and erected in Queen Elizabeth Park on Hill Street Picton.
  • Held a social event for PEHS members at Midtown Brewers in Wellington, January 2019.
  • Began planning for a special two-day event to be held in May 2020 to mark the end of WWII.


  • Sponsored Flashback February with a donation
  • Also held an event at Parson Brewery during Flashback February featuring David Moore, historical author.
  • Continued planning for the VE Day event which had to cancelled due to Covid-19.
  • “A Journey of Faith” book went to print in late February and was ready for sale in April 2020. Two hundred books were printed and sold primarily by the authors over the summer.
  • The signage for Queen Elizabeth Park was completed and erected in late October. PEHS paid for the sign and the municipality covered the cost of erecting it and will plant perennials in the spring. A photo and press release will be arranged for the spring.
  • Discussions began about printing “Seven on a Mat”  with Marc agreeing to edit and print book with PEHS helping to market and sell the book. Copies arrived in late December. Both books are available through the PEC Library and Archives for $25 each.


  • “Seven on a Mat” has been printed and is available for sale.
  • Reprinted Location Key for “The Settler’s Dream”.
  • Development of new website.
  • Sponsoring the Moses-Hudgin Log House Restoration Project
  • Received a grant to research and record historical plaques in PEC and create a website showing the plaques and their location.
  • Began a review of our mission, goals and objectives.
  • Update our constitution and by-laws.